2. Boustead Hill to Crosby on Eden
22.07.11 13 miles
Searching for a place to sleep
Another quiet night in the barn of the Hill Farm and again a wonderful breakfast, a look on the hiking map and thought a hike with the backpack must be not more then 10 miles. The weight of my backpack was 14 Kg ( 30.8 lb). Said good bye to Sandra and a stroke for the friendly dog and I was on my way to the east coast. First I must go along the small street to Longburgh, not much traffic and easy to go. After 2 miles I felt uncomfortable with my backpack and I thought I will never come to the eastcoast with this backpack. 2 miles later I visited the old church in Burgh by Sands and quickly the backpack was on the ground. I felt much better, what a stupid idea to walk with a tent and all the other things which I needed. At the end of Burgh the trail is running over meadows and it was better to walk in the grass than on the street. The grass was well cutted on the trail. After a while I must walk through a herd of young bulls, felt not very comfortable they are following me and I looked for trees to protected me. Along the meadow are big ash trees, never have seen such big ash trees in Germany. The young bulls are friendly and why I am in sorrow? The next way was a dirty road with deep mud, I hoped not to fall down. I passed Beaumont and the trail is following from here the River Eden. The bank of the river is very high and the trail is goin down to the river and again up on the bank, up and down the next mile. My shoulder gave me signals" what you are doing here". Wait for the next rest. Before Carlisle I must climb over a new builded bridge still in work. Than the path is going down to the River Eden. A fisherman wanted to catch throuts. Along the river you can´t see Carlisle. Near the castle I had a rest for an hour, my shoulders now very friendly. I enjoyed the nice park with the view to the castle. I ate my big sandwich with the cheese but I am not really hungry after the good breakfast. It was nice to watch the people walking his dogs, children played soccer and the lonley runners. The way along the river is nice and no really touch with the busy city of Carlisle. On my walk this day some other hikers to but all coming form the east, some also with a big backpack like me. Passed after a while a golf ground and the river makes a long loop. On a small bridge I had to go to the north bank. Here is a big recreation park but a rain shower pushed away the people. Now I had to go in direccion Rickerby, the trail is winding around this village on the northside. In the field I saw a big defence tower from the middleage in the field. In the next village Linstock shall be a barn to sleep, I would like to stay here for the night, I walked around 10 miles and that would be enough. Nobody on the street no sighn for a Barn. A farmer was coming and I asked him for that Barn, but he told me the next barn would be 2 miles further in Crosby on Eden. Along the trail was farmland and no place for a tent, a mile later was a nice place at the bank of River Eden, but people was fishing there and a sign" privat". So I had to walk further, slowy my shoulders are tensed. The way along the river was nice, a quiet landscape and it was nearly 6 pm. In Crosby on Eden is a nice pub, but I was dirty and want to find first a place to sleep. I done a call to the next barn but no answer. At the end of the village is the Crosby Hill Farm. They have a little house for hikers with refreshments. You can cook a coffee or tea and they have some sweets, peanuts, milk etc. You can take the things and have to pay in a box. I was thirsty and cooked tea for me had some peanuts and outside was a table with a bench. I had a rest, beside the Farm was a meadow with 2 little shettland ponies. I was going to the farmhouse and asked the Farmer can I sleep in my tent on the medow. And he said yes, he gave me instructions where are the restroom and a place I could wash me. It was nearly perfect for me and I must not go further to search for a place. I hiked 13 miles, that was much more than I wanted. The young farmer gave me a warm sleeping bag for the night. I was sitting on the bench wrote my diary and Postcards and read my book, the evening sun was nice also the sunset. I don´t missed TV. After sunset I was going in my tent and had a good night with the warm sleeping bag.
The second Day